Village Missions 


Middle lake gospel church

Join us! We get together every Sunday: 10:30-11:30am (coffee always on!)

Sundays - 9:45am Sunday School  10:30am - Worship Service (all ages, preschool programming available)

Tuesdays - 8:45am Bible Study  at the Church

Wednesdays - 7:00pm Collaborative SR. HIGH Youth Group hosted at Humboldt Bible Church

Thursdays - 6:00-7:30pm Club DJ (Kids' club for kids K-grade6)

Fridays - 10:00am Sonshine Hour at Bethany Pioneer Village. (March we are in Aspen, April we will be back in Birch). One of the last Fridays of the month we are at Cudworth Senior home 2:00pm.

Christ Centered . Growing Families . Serving Community



You are ALWAYS welcome!

  • February 23rd - Guest speaker Noah Wieler followed by soup & sandwich potluck

  • March 2nd - Communion Service 10:30am

  • March 6th - Club DJ launch 6:00-7:30pm Online registration @, in person registration also available. Call Jenneke @ 306.318.9935 for more details

  • March 7th - Sr. High youth retreat three60five @ Nipawin Bible College

  • March 9th - Potluck & Annual Meeting following the regular Sunday School & Worship Service

  • March 23rd - Stoney Lake Bible Camp Fundraising Banquet @ Crossroads Bible Church Spalding, 5:30pm. RSVP to 306.873.5537 by March 17th.

  • March 29th - Village Missions Fundraising Brunch 11:00am Erindale Alliance Church, Saskatoon. RSVP to Ernie @ 306.713.2871 by March 23rd.

  • April 1-2nd - Village Missionary District Representative Gord Rowland visiting Middle Lake.

  • April 6th - Communion Worship Service 10:30am


We want to draw attention to God every opportunity we get. He is everything AWESOME and RELEVANT to our lives and the life after this one. The Bible (His Word) is an amazing road map to getting to know our great God (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). We'd love to introduce you to Him.

We open God' s Word together Sunday mornings @ 10:30am and Tuesday mornings in a more interactive manner @8:45am. Open to everyone!

Want a Bible? We would love to give you one. Want to know more about who God is? Let's chat together! Text/Call Pastor Ryan @ 306.318.9936


Sunday School 9:45am (Ages 3-Adult)* WILL RESUME SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2024

Jr. Youth - Gr 6-8 - Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm at the Humboldt Alliance Church Sr. Youth - Gr 9-12 - Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm at the Humboldt Bible Church 

Just for fun.... Game nights, music nights, women's events, caroling, etc. Check back often for upcoming opportunities to join us!

(See above list of upcoming events)


We love our community! You might see Pastor Ryan out welding/helping farmers, some of our members driving bus, reading at the school, sitting on local boards or helping out neighbors with projects! We have a soft spot for our Seniors - you can find us singing and sharing at 'SONSHINE Hour' at Bethany Pioneer Village Friday mornings at 10:00am or once a month at the senior's home in Cudworth.

Need a hand? See a need? Let us know. Pastor Ryan: 306.318.9936